Benutzer:Wikid77/Liste der National Historic Landmarks in California

Diese vollständige Liste der National Historic Landmarks in Kalifornien nennt die 136 Stätten, die im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien als National Historic Landmark (NHL) eingestuft sind und unter der Aufsicht des National Park Service stehen. Sie umfasst die Vielfalt von Kaliforniens kulturellem Erbe, einschließlich der Spuren der Bevölkerung aus vorkolumbianischer Zeit, der spanischen und mexikanischen Vergangenheit sowie Stätten der Marinegeschichte, der Weltraumforschung und anderer Themen. Die Stätten werden nach den amtlichen Bezeichnungen im National Register of Historic Places geführt.

Insel Alcatraz in der San Francisco Bay, ein National Historic Landmark seit 1986.



Eine Stätte, Yuma Crossing and Associated Sites, wird mit Arizona geteilt und wird vom National Park Service in diesem Bundesstaat geführt. Das Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge liegt teilweise in Oregon, steht jedoch auf der Liste für Kalifornien.

NHLs 1-34

Name der Stätte[1] Bild Jahr[1] Ort
County[1] Beschreibung[2]
1 The Abbey, Joaquin Miller House
The Abbey, Joaquin Miller House
29. Dez. 1962
ID-Nr. 66000204
37° 48′ 45″ N, 122° 11′ 7,8″ W
Joaquin Miller, der Poet of the Sierras, lebte hier zwischen 1886 und seinem Tod im Jahr 1913.
2 The Ahwahnee
The Ahwahnee

weitere Bilder
28. Mai 1987
ID-Nr. 77000149
Yosemite National Park
37° 44′ 44,7″ N, 119° 34′ 26,8″ W
Ein vom National Park Service errichtetes und betriebenes Hotel im Yosemite National Park; das von Gilbert Stanley Underwood entworfene Bauwerk ist ein Beispiel für die den speziellen Architekturstil, den der National Park Service in den Nationalparks verwendete; er wird als National Park Service Rustic bezeichnet.
3 Alcatraz Island   17. Jan. 1986 San Francisco
37° 49′ 35″ N, 122° 25′ 21″ W
San Francisco Ehemaliges Bundes-Hochsicherheitsgefängnis, dem nur Frank Morris und wenige andere Häftlinge entfliehen konnten. Es ist Teil der Golden Gate National Recreation Area und wird heute als Museum genutzt.
4 Alma (flatboat)   7. Juni 1988 San Francisco
37° 48′ 27,8″ N, 122° 25′ 15,1″ W
San Francisco Ein Flachboot-Schoner, der 1891 gebaut wurde und in der San Francisco Bay und im Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta benutzt wurde. Heute ist es Teil des San Francisco Maritime National Historical Parks.
5 Angelus Temple   27. Apr. 1992 Los Angeles
34° 4′ 34,9″ N, 118° 15′ 40,7″ W
Los Angeles Eine Kirche, die von und für Aimee Semple McPherson, einer Evangelistin der 1920er- und 1930er-Jahre, gebaut wurde.
6 Juan de Anza House   15. Apr. 1970 San Juan Bautista
36° 50′ 37″ N, 121° 32′ 7,1″ W
San Benito Einstöckiges Lehmziegel-Haus von Juan de Anza, typisch für die Mexikanische Zeit, wurde später in einer ebenso typischen Weise "amerikanisiert".
7 Aquatic Park Historic District   28. Mai 1987 San Francisco
37° 48′ 23″ N, 122° 25′ 25″ W
San Francisco Strand, Pier und öffentliches Bad der Streamline-Moderne; wurden 1936 durch die WPA gebaut.
8 Asilomar Conference Grounds   27. Feb. 1987 Pacific Grove
36° 37′ 11″ N, 121° 55′ 53″ W
Monterey Konferenzzenter im Stil der Arts and Crafts Movement, das 1913 von Julia Morgan für die YWCA gebaut wurde.
9 Balboa Park   22. Dez. 1977 San Diego
32° 43′ 53″ N, 117° 8′ 43″ W
San Diego 1200 Acre (4.9 km²) großes Naherholungsgebiet in San Diego. 1855 eingerichtet, ist es eines der ältesten öffentlichen Naherholungsgebiete in den Vereinigten Staaten. Hier befinden sich verschiedene Museen, Theater, Gärten, Läden, Restaurants und der Zoo von San Diego.
10 Balclutha   4. Feb. 1985 San Francisco
37° 48′ 27,6″ N, 122° 24′ 42,4″ W
San Francisco Das einzig übriggebliebene Rahsegel-Schiff in der San Francisco Bay wurde 1886 gebaut und diente auf mehreren Handelsrouten. Es ist heute Teil des San Francisco Maritime National Historical Parks.
11 Baldwin Hills Village   3. Jan. 2001 Baldwin Hills
34° 1′ 11″ N, 118° 21′ 39″ W
Los Angeles Heute als Village Green bekannt, war dieses Dorf eines der ersten das als New Town nach einem geplanten Raster errichtet wurde.
12 Hubert H. Bancroft Ranch House   29. Dez. 1962 Spring Valley
32° 44′ 4,7″ N, 116° 59′ 17,7″ W
San Diego Adobe-Hause des Historikers und Ethnologisten Hubert Howe Bancroft, Publizist verschiedener Geschichten von der Pazifikküste und Bücher über die Indianer.
13 Bank of Italy Building   2. Juni 1978 San Francisco
37° 47′ 39,9″ N, 122° 24′ 10,9″ W
San Francisco Hauptquartier der Bank of Italy seit 1908
14 Aline Barnsdall Complex (Hollyhock House)   29. März 2007 Los Angeles
34° 5′ 59,8″ N, 118° 17′ 40,6″ W
Los Angeles Das Hollyhock House wurde von Frank Lloyd Wright entworfen und von 1919–1921 für Aline Barnsdall errichtet. Heute Zentrum des Barnsdall Art Park.
15 Berkeley (Fähre)   14. Dez. 1990 San Diego
32° 43′ 1″ N, 117° 10′ 21,6″ W
San Diego Erste Fähre mit Turbinenantrieb an der Westküste. Heute das „Hauptgebäude“ des Maritime Museum of San Diego.
16 Big Four House   4. Juli 1961 Sacramento
38° 34′ 58″ N, 121° 30′ 12″ W
Sacramento Errichtet 1852; Gebäude von dem aus Collis Huntington, Mark Hopkins, Leland Stanford, und Charles Crocker die Central Pacific Railway führten und die Southern Pacific Railroad gründeten.
17 Bodie Historic District   4. Juli 1961 Bodie
38° 12′ 44″ N, 119° 0′ 44″ W
Mono Ein Dorf, das 1859 im Zentrum des Kalifornischen Goldrausches gegründet wurde. Heute eine Geisterstadt.
18 Borax Lake Site
Borax Lake Site
20. Sep. 2006
ID-Nr. 91001424
Clear Lake
Eine ärchäologische Statte der paläoindianischen Clovis-Kultur.
19 Bradbury Building   5. Mai 1977 Los Angeles
34° 3′ 2,7″ N, 118° 14′ 53,4″ W
Los Angeles 1893 im Stil der italienischen Neorenaissance erbautes Bauwerk, das vor allem für seine beeindruckende Innenausstattung und die Fahrstuhlkörbe bekannt ist. Das Bauwerk wird häufig als Drehort für Spielfilme benutzt, darunter etwa Blade Runner.
20 Luther Burbank House and Garden   19. Juni 1964 Santa Rosa
38° 26′ 10,1″ N, 122° 42′ 43,9″ W
Sonoma Stadtpartk, der das ehemalige Wohnhaus, das Gewächshaus, den Garten und das Grab des Pflanzenzüchters Luther Burbank beinhaltet.
21 C.A. Thayer (Schoner)   13. Nov. 1966 San Francisco
37° 48′ 28,5″ N, 122° 25′ 15,9″ W
San Francisco Ein Schoner, der 1895 erbaut wurde. Heute wird er im San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park aufbewahrt. Das Schiff wurde für den Holzhandel zwischen San Francisco und Washington, Oregon und Nordkalifornien eingesetzt.
22 California Powder Works Bridge
California Powder Works Bridge

weitere Bilder
27. Feb. 2015
ID-Nr. 15000279
Santa Cruz
37° 0′ 38,2″ N, 122° 2′ 38,4″ W
23 Carmel Mission   9. Okt. 1960 Carmel
36° 32′ 27,6″ N, 121° 55′ 6,8″ W
Monterey Die zweite römisch-katholische spanische Missionskirche in Kalifornien. Sie wurde in zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts zerstört und zwischen 1884 und 1920 wiederhergestellt.
24 Carrizo Plain Archeological District
Carrizo Plain Archeological District
2. März 2012
ID-Nr. 01000509
San Luis Obispo
35° 11′ 29″ N, 119° 43′ 34″ W
historisch bedeutendes und ökologisch empfindliches Graslandgebiet
25 Jose Castro House   15. Mai 1970 San Juan Bautista
36° 50′ 34,2″ N, 121° 32′ 4,9″ W
San Benito Historisches Haus, das von José Castro, dem Gouverneur von Alta California, erbaut wurde.
26 Coloma   4. Juli 1961 Coloma
38° 48′ 0″ N, 120° 53′ 21,1″ W
El Dorado Coloma ist der Ort wo der California Gold Rush begann, als James W. Marshall am 24. Januar 1848 bei der Sutter’s Mill Gold fand. Heute ist Coloma eine Geisterstadt und ein bedeutender Teil des Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Parks.
27 Columbia Historic District   4. Juli 1961 Sonora
38° 2′ 8,8″ N, 120° 24′ 3,8″ W
Tuolumne Innerhalb zwei Jahren nach dem ersten Goldfund, wurde Sonora die drittgrösste Stadt in Kalifornien. Der Historic District ist jetzt ein öffentlich zugängliches Museum und der besterhaltene Ort des California Gold Rush.
28 Commander’s House, Fort Ross   15. Mai 1970 Fort Ross
38° 30′ 52″ N, 123° 14′ 37″ W
Sonoma Das einzig verbliebene Originalbauwerk des Fort Ross. Das Gebäude wurde 1812 erbaut und wird auch als Rotchev House bezeichnet.
29 Coso Rock Art District
(ehemalige: Big and Little Petroglyph Canyons)
  19. Juli 1964 Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake Inyo Über 20.000 indianische Felszeichnung befinden sich an dieser Stätte. Sie befindet sich innerhalb der Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake.
30 Donner Camp   20. Jan. 1961 Truckee
39° 19′ 12″ N, 120° 14′ 30″ W
Nevada Museum und Monument für die Donner Party, eine Siedlergruppe die im Winter 1846/47 aufgrund der Wetterbedingungen im Gebirge stecken blieb und die Überlebenden die Reise nur durch Kannibalismus überstanden.
31 Drakes Bay Historic and Archeological District
Drakes Bay Historic and Archeological District
16. Okt. 2012
ID-Nr. 12001006
Drakes Bay
38° 2′ 3,2″ N, 122° 56′ 26,9″ W
Die anerkannte Ladestelle von Francis Drake im Jahr 1579 und Sebastião Rodrigues Soromenho im Jahr 1595 erinnert an die frühen Beziehungen zwischen den Indianern und den Europäern.
32 Eames House (Case Study House #8)
Eames House (Case Study House #8)
20. Sep. 2006
ID-Nr. 06000978
Pacific Palisades
34° 1′ 47″ N, 118° 31′ 10″ W
Das Haus wurde 1949 durch das Designer- und Architektenehepaar Charles und Ray Eames und ist auch unter dem Namen Case Study House No. 8 bekantt.
33 Elmshaven (Ellen White House)
Elmshaven (Ellen White House)

weitere Bilder
4. Nov. 1993
ID-Nr. 93001609
St. Helena
38° 32′ 6,4″ N, 122° 28′ 40,6″ W
Ellen Gould White lived and worked here from 1900 until her death in 1915. She was notable for her prophetic ministry which led to the rise of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
34 Estudillo House
Estudillo House
15. Apr. 1970
ID-Nr. 70000143
San Diego
32° 45′ 15,1″ N, 117° 11′ 49,5″ W
Das 1827 gebaut Adobehaus galt als eines der schönsten Häuser der mexikanischen Zeit Kaliforniens.

NHLs 31-60

31 Eureka (Fähre)   4. Feb. 1985 San Francisco
37° 48′ 26,8″ N, 122° 25′ 16,7″ W
San Francisco Side-wheel paddle steamboat; built in 1890 by the San Francisco and North Pacific Railroad Company; preserved at the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
32 USCGC Fir   27. Apr. 1992 Rio Vista
38° 8′ 59,1″ N, 121° 40′ 59,4″ W
Sacramento 174 foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter; lighthouse tender; decommissioned.
33 First Church of Christ, Scientist   22. Dez. 1977 Berkeley
37° 51′ 55,8″ N, 122° 15′ 20,3″ W
Alameda Church designed by Bernard Ralph Maybeck
34 James C. Flood Mansion   13. Nov. 1966 San Francisco
37° 47′ 30,7″ N, 122° 24′ 38,9″ W
San Francisco Mansion of James C. Flood, 19th century silver-baron; first brownstone building built west of the Mississippi River; one of the only buildings on Nob Hill to survive the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire; purchased by the Pacific-Union Club after the earthquake
35 Folsom Powerhouse   29. Mai 1981 Folsom
38° 40′ 50″ N, 121° 10′ 32″ W
Sacramento Built in late 1800s using prison labor from Folsom Prison; first delivered power to Sacramento in 1895; remained in operation until 1952.
36 Fort Ross   5. Nov. 1961 Fort Ross
38° 30′ 44,7″ N, 123° 14′ 33,7″ W
Sonoma Established by Ivan Kuskov of the Russian-American Company in 1812; thriving settlement from 1812 to 1841
37 Fresno Sanitary Landfill 7. Aug. 2001 Fresno
36° 42′ 0″ N, 119° 49′ 47″ W
Fresno Opened in 1937; first modern landfill in the U.S.; model for other landfills around the country; and one of the longest-lived.
38 David B. Gamble House   22. Dez. 1977 Pasadena
34° 9′ 6″ N, 118° 9′ 37,3″ W
Los Angeles Arts and Crafts masterpiece; shows influence from traditional Japanese aesthetics and a certain California spaciousness born of available land and a permissive climate.
39 Gonzalez House image pending 15. Apr. 1970 Santa Barbara
34° 25′ 27,2″ N, 119° 41′ 43″ W
Santa Barbara Built about 1825 by Don Rafael Gonzales; typical of Mexican-era adobe town houses; adobe walls at least 2' thick
40 Guajome Ranch House   15. Apr. 1970 Vista
33° 14′ 0,2″ N, 117° 15′ 14,3″ W
San Diego Spanish Colonial hacienda with two courtyards.
41 Hale Solar Observatory   20. Dez. 1989 Pasadena
34° 7′ 58,7″ N, 118° 7′ 18,5″ W
Los Angeles Laboratory of George Ellery Hale, inventor of the spectroheliograph, with which he made his discoveries of the solar vortices and magnetic fields of sun spots.
42 Hanna-Honeycomb House 29. Juni 1989 Palo Alto
37° 24′ 58,1″ N, 122° 9′ 50,9″ W
Santa Clara Located on Stanford University campus, this was Frank Lloyd Wright's first work in the San Francisco region as well as his first work with non-rectangular structures.
43 Harada House 14. Dez. 1990 Riverside
33° 59′ 6,6″ N, 117° 22′ 9,3″ W
Riverside Property involved in 1916–1918 constitutional test of an alien land law; at issue was the rights of the children of a Japanese immigrant
44 Hearst San Simeon Estate   11. Mai 1976 San Simeon
35° 41′ 6″ N, 121° 10′ 4″ W
San Luis Obispo Built by newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst; open for public tours; Hearst formally named the estate "La Cuesta Encantada".
45 Hercules (Schlepper)   17. Jan. 1986 San Francisco
37° 48′ 30,4″ N, 122° 25′ 15,9″ W
San Francisco This 1907 steam tug is now a museum ship at the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park.
46 Lou Henry and Herbert Hoover House   4. Feb. 1985 Palo Alto
37° 25′ 3,8″ N, 122° 10′ 8,6″ W
Santa Clara Designed by Lou Henry Hoover, wife of Herbert Hoover, this is where the Hoovers lived before and after his presidency. It is now the official residence of the president of Stanford University
47 USS Hornet (CVS-12) (Flugzeugträger)   4. Dez. 1991 Alameda
37° 46′ 21,8″ N, 122° 18′ 10,4″ W
Alameda Essex class aircraft carrier which was commissioned in November 1943. She played a role in the Pacific battles of World War II and then went on to serve in the Vietnam War. It also recovered the Apollo astronauts as they returned from the Moon.
48 Hotel del Coronado   5. Mai 1977 Coronado
32° 40′ 51,2″ N, 117° 10′ 35,8″ W
San Diego The largest beach resort on the North American Pacific Coast, this Victorian building is an iconic symbol of San Diego.
49 Edwin Hubble House 8. Dez. 1976 San Marino
34° 7′ 23,7″ N, 118° 7′ 17″ W
Los Angeles Home of astronomer Edwin Hubble from 1925 until his death in 1953.
50 Jeremiah O'Brien (Liberty-Frachter)   14. Jan. 1986 San Francisco
37° 48′ 22,8″ N, 122° 25′ 42,9″ W
San Francisco This Liberty ship is a rare survivor of the 6,939-ship armada that stormed Normandy on D-Day, 1944.
51 La Purisima Mission   15. Apr. 1970 Lompoc
34° 40′ 18,5″ N, 120° 25′ 20,8″ W
Santa Barbara Now a historical park, it is the only example in California of a "complete" mission complex.
52 Lake Merritt Wild Duck Refuge Bild: Panoramic Foto von Lake Merritt Wild Duck Refuge. 23. Mai 1963 Oakland
37° 48′ 14″ N, 122° 15′ 32,8″ W
Alameda Now known as Lake Merritt park, it is notable for being the first official wildlife refuge in the United States, designated in 1870.
53 Lane Victory (Victory-Schiff)   14. Dez. 1990 San Pedro
33° 44′ 55″ N, 118° 16′ 26,2″ W
Los Angeles A rare example of a Victory Ship, it is now a still operational museum ship which makes 6 public cruises a year to Catalina Island.
54 Larkin House   19. Dez. 1960 Monterey
36° 35′ 56″ N, 121° 53′ 44,3″ W
Monterey This house, part of the larger NHLD Monterey State Historic Park, combined Spanish building techniques with New England features, creating the Monterey Colonial style of architecture.
55 Las Flores Adobe Bild: Foto von der San Pedro Kapelle 24. Nov. 1968 Camp Pendleton
33° 17′ 59,8″ N, 117° 27′ 39,8″ W
San Diego An Estancia halfway between two missions, it is now part of a Boy Scout camp located inside Camp Pendleton just off of Interstate 5.
56 Leconte Memorial Lodge   28. Mai 1987 Yosemite National Park
37° 44′ 17,9″ N, 119° 34′ 42,3″ W
Mariposa Built by the Sierra Club in 1903 in honor of Joseph LeConte, one of the founding members of the Sierra Club. It was a Yosemite visitors center, but is now run by the Sierra Club as a museum and library.
57 Lightship WAL-605, Relief   20. Dez. 1989 Oakland
37° 47′ 44,5″ N, 122° 16′ 50,1″ W
Alameda A lightvessel now located in Oakland.
58 Little Tokyo Historic District Bild: Foto von Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Tempel. 12. Juni 1995 Los Angeles
34° 3′ 2″ N, 118° 14′ 22″ W
Los Angeles An ethnic Japanese American district in downtown Los Angeles, one of three official Japantowns in the United States.
59 Locke Historic District   14. Dez. 1990 Locke
38° 15′ 2″ N, 121° 30′ 35″ W
Sacramento The largest remaining example of a historic rural Chinese American community, built in 1915.
60 Jack London Ranch   29. Dez. 1962 Glen Ellen
38° 21′ 2″ N, 122° 32′ 35″ W
Sonoma Heim des Jack Londons von 1905 bis seiner Tod.

NHLs 61-90


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! {{NRHP|NHL|61}}
! [[Los Alamos Ranch House]]

<span style="color: #fcfcfc">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1970-4-15}}
| [[Los Alamos (Kalifornien)|Los Alamos]]
| [[Santa Barbara County|Santa Barbara]]
| A good example of the Mexican style single story adobe ranch-house located next to the [[El Camino Real]]. It was often used as an overnight stop when travelling between Santa Barbara and Monterey.
! {{NRHP|NHL|62}}
! [[Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum]]
| [[Bild:LA Coliseum gate.jpg|100px|Photograph of the peristyle gate of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, tile mosaicon the underside of the arch, and the Olympic torch reaching to the blue sky.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1984-7-27}}
| [[Los Angeles]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34|0|50.4/N|EW=118|17|16|W|text=dms|name=Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
| The only stadium in the world which has hosted the [[Summer Olympic Games]] (1932 /1984), the [[World Series]] (1959) and the [[Super Bowl]] (1967 /1973).  It is currently the home of the [[USC Trojans football|USC Trojans football team]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|63}}
! [[Los Cerritos Ranch House]]
| [[Bild:Casa de los Cerritos, 4600 American Avenue, Long Beach (Los Angeles County, California).jpg|100 px|1934 HABS photo]]
| {{DatumZelle|1970-4-15}}
| [[Long Beach (Kalifornien)|Long Beach]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.836392|EW=-118.194523|text=dms|name=Los Cerritos Ranch House|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
| Largest adobe home built in Southern California during Mexican era.
! {{NRHP|NHL|64}}
! [[Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge]]
| [[Bild:Ardea alba 8194t.jpg|100px|Photograph of a great egret standing on a canal gate valve amidst the marshes of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1965-1-12}}
| [[Dorris (Kalifornien)|Dorris, CA]] and [[Klamath Falls|Klamath Falls, OR]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=41|58/N|EW=121|46|W|name=Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small> <!-- Coords not from NRIS. -->
| [[Siskiyou County|Siskiyou, CA]] and [[Klamath County|Klamath, OR]]<br/>
| This [[national wildlife refuge]], established in 1908, was the first large block of [[public land]] set aside for [[wildlife management]] purposes. Because of the refuge's extensive overlap with the [[Klamath Basin]] water [[reclamation]] project, it has become an ongoing example of the tensions between [[Conservation movement|conservation]] and [[Economy|economic]] demands in public [[land management]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|65}}
! [[Manzanar#Wartime Manzanar|Manzanar War Relocation Center]]
| [[Bild:Manzanar shrine.jpg|100px|Photograph of a memorial at the Manzanar War Relocation Center. A low white obelisk with Japanese kenji characters and flower offerings stands against an expansive backdrop of the Owens Valley floor, snowy mountains, large clouds, and blue sky.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1985-2-4}}
| [[Independence (Kalifornien)|Indepen-<br>dence]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=36|43|41/N|EW=118|9|16|W|name=Manzanar War Relocation Center|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>  <!-- Not from NRIS. -->
| [[Inyo County|Inyo]]
| The most widely known American [[forced relocation]] camp where 11,070 Japanese Americans were imprisoned during World War II.
! {{NRHP|NHL|66}}
! [[Mare Island Naval Shipyard]]
| [[Bild:USS Wadleigh (DD-689) at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, California (USA), on 10 April 1945 (NH 98906).jpg|100px|Historic photograph of the USS Wadleigh at dock and under work at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in 1945. Shipyard buildings are visible in the background.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1975-5-15}}
| [[Vallejo (Kalifornien)|Vallejo]]<br/><small>{{Coordinate|NS=38.10|EW=-122.21|text=dms|name=Mare Island Naval Shipyard|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Solano County|Solano]]
| The first US naval facility on the West Coast, it built and supported WWII naval forces as well as [[nuclear submarines]].  It closed in 1996 and is currently under redevelopment which is threatening the historic buildings.
! {{NRHP|NHL|67}}
! [[Marin County Civic Center]]
|align=center|[[:en:Image:Marin Civic Center Interior.jpg|Bild: Marin County Civic Center]]
| {{DatumZelle|1991-7-17}}
| [[San Rafael (Kalifornien)|San Rafael]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|text=DMS|NS=37|59|52/N|EW=122|31|50|W|name=Marin County Civic Center|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Marin County|Marin]]
| The last major commission by [[Frank Lloyd Wright]], this government run complex hosts a variety of events including the county fair.  Its architecture has led to inclusion in or inspiration for several films.   It is also known for two violent attacks in the 1970s.
! {{NRHP|NHL|68}}
! [[Mendocino Woodlands State Park|Mendocino Woodlands Recreational Demonstra-<br>tion Area]]
| <span style="color: #fcfcfc">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1997-9-25}}
| [[Mendocino]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=39|19|43/N|EW=123|41|54|W|name=Mendocino Woodlands State Park|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Mendocino County|Mendocino]]
| The only [[Recreational Demonstration Area]] built by the [[Civilian Conservation Corps]] that's been continually used as a campground. It's been managed by a nonprofit agency since 1949 and remains in use today as [[Mendocino Woodlands State Park]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|69}}
! [[Joaquin Miller House]]
| <span style="color: #fcfcfc">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1962-12-29}}
| [[Oakland]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37|48|45/N|EW=122|11|8|W|name=Joaquin Miller House|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Alameda County|Alameda]]
| [[Joaquin Miller]], known as the "Poet of the Sierras", lived here from 1886 until his death in 1913.
! {{NRHP|NHL|70}}
! [[Mission Beach Roller Coaster]]
|align=center|[[Datei:MissionBeachRollercoaster 640pixels.JPG|100px|Achterbahn an der Mission Beach]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-2-27}}
| [[San Diego]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=32.7699345629|EW=-117.250059665|text=dms|name=Mission Beach Roller Coaster|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| one of only 2 remaining wooden coasters on the West coast, it was built in 1925 by noted coaster builders Prior and Church.  It was saved from destruction in 1987, restored, and is still operating today.
! {{NRHP|NHL|71}}
! [[Mission Inn]]
| [[Bild:RiversideCA MissionInn.jpg|100px|Photograph in a courtyard at the Mission Inn, with four floors of Spanish revival architecture, arches, and tile roofs rising overhead.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1977-5-5}}
| [[Riverside (Kalifornien)|Riverside]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.9816175011|EW=-117.371665653|text=dms|name=Mission Inn|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Riverside County|Riverside]]
| This [[hotel]] has become the largest [[Mission Revival Style architecture|Mission Revival style]] through progressive additions and embellishments since its first predecessor [[cottage]] was [[Construction|built]] in 1876. In addition to lodgings, it features [[Retailing|shops]], a [[chapel]], [[furniture]] from around the world, and [[Louis Comfort Tiffany|Tiffany]] windows.
! {{NRHP|NHL|72}}
! [[Mission San Miguel Arcángel]]
|align=center|[[File:Mission-San-Miguel-Arcangel-interior.jpg|100px|Mission San Miguel Arcángel]]
| {{DatumZelle|2006-3-20}}
| [[San Miguel (Kalifornien)|San Miguel]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=35.744722|EW=-120.698056|text=dms|name=Mission San Miguel Arcángel|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Luis Obispo County|San Luis Obispo]]
| Die 16. [[California Mission]] Kirche: [[Heilige Mikel]], mit [[Adobe]]-Mauer u. [[Malerei]] durch [[Esteban Munras]].<!-- remains well preserved and still in use today though under earthquake remediation construction.  Inside are murals by [[Esteban Munras]].-->
! {{NRHP|NHL|73}}
! [[Mission Santa Inés]]
| [[Bild:Mission StInes.jpg|100px|Photograph of Mission Santa Inés, showing the campanile on the right, the chapel at center, and the long, colonnaded walkway to the left.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1999-1-20}}
| [[Solvang]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.594454|EW=-120.136657|text=dms|name=Mission Santa Inés|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Santa Barbara County|Santa Barbara]]
| The 19th [[California Mission]] church was the site of an Indian revolt in 1824.  It has undergone restoration since the 1940s and is a working parish church today.
! {{NRHP|NHL|74}}
! [[Modjeska House]]
| <span style="color: #fcfcfc">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1990-12-14}}
| [[Modjeska]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.7163426263|EW=-117.623823831|text=dms|name=Modjeska House|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Orange County (Kalifornien)|Orange]]
| Designed by [[Stanford White]], from 1888 to 1906 this was the home of [[Helena Modjeska]], a Polish patriot and Shakespearean actress.
! {{NRHP|NHLD|75}}
! [[Monterey State Historic Park|Monterey Old Town Historic District]]
| [[Bild:Custom House, Custom House Plaza, Monterey (Monterey County, California).jpg|100 px|1936 HABS photo]]
| {{DatumZelle|1970-4-15}}
| [[Monterey (Kalifornien)|Monterey]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=36.599722| -121.893611|text=dms|name=Monterey Old Town Historic District|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Monterey County|Monterey]]
| Also known as [[Monterey State Historic Park]], this [[NHLD]] contains both California's first theatre, and the Monterey Customs House, where the American flag was first raised over California.  It also incorporates the [[National Historic Landmark]]ed [[Larkin House]] known for its leading architecture.
! {{NRHP|NHS|76|true}}
! [[John Muir National Historic Site|John Muir House]]
| [[Bild:John Muir NHS.jpg|100px|Photograph of the Victorian John Muir House from street level, looking up at the house and its pergola against the sky.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1962-12-29}}
| [[Martinez (Kalifornien)|Martinez]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.991679|EW=-122.130511|text=dms|name=John Muir House|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Contra Costa County|Contra Costa]]
| [[John Muir]] lived here from 1890 until his death in 1914, the time period of some of his most notable achievements including founding the [[Sierra Club]] and laying the groundwork for the creation of the [[National Park Service]].  It is open to the public.
! {{NRHP|NHL|77}}
! [[New Almaden]]
|align=center|[[:en:Image:SenadorMineRuins-AQ.jpg|Bild: Ruine vom Senador Mine (Englisch)]]
| {{DatumZelle|1961-7-4}}
| [[San Jose (Kalifornien)|San Jose]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.18|EW=-121.835556|text=dms|name=New Almaden|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Santa Clara County|Santa Clara]]
| Also known as '''Senador''', one of the oldest and most productive [[mercury (element)|mercury]] mines in the United States.  It helped ensure the [[California Gold Rush]] could take place.  Now part of [[Almaden Quicksilver County Park]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|78}}
! [[Richard Nixon Birthplace|Richard M. Nixon Birthplace]]
|align=center|[[Datei:Nixonhouse.jpg|100px|Geburtsort von Richard M. Nixons]]
| {{DatumZelle|1973-5-31}}
| [[Yorba Linda]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.888611|EW=-117.818759|text=dms|name=Richard M. Nixon Birthplace|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Orange County (Kalifornien)|Orange]]
| Das Geburtshaus und gleichzeitig die Stätte, wo [[Richard M. Nixon]] 1913-1922  wohnte, ist heute Bestandtel der [[Richard Nixon Presidential Library]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|79}}
! [[Frank Norris Cabin]]
| [[Bild:Frank Norris Memorial, Redwood Retreat Road, Gilroy vicinity (Santa Clara County, California).jpg|100px|Frank Norris Memorial HABS rephoto]]
| {{DatumZelle|1962-12-29}}
| [[Gilroy]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.036389|EW=-121.7125|text=dms|name=Frank Norris Cabin|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Santa Clara County|Santa Clara]]
| Also known as '''Redwood Retreat''' this was the home of author [[Frank Norris]] in the last year of his life.
! {{NRHP|NHL|80}}
! [[Oak Grove Butterfield Stage Station]]
| [[Bild:Butterfield Stage Station, Oak Grove (San Diego County, California).jpg|100 px|1960 HABS photo]]
| {{DatumZelle|1961-11-5}}
| [[Warner Springs]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.389728|EW=-116.794097|text=dms|name=Oak Grove Butterfield Stage Station|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| The only surviving station house on the [[Butterfield Overland Mail]] [[stagecoach]] line.  The nearby location of [[Warner's Ranch]] was also part of the line.
! {{NRHP|NHL|81}}
! [[Old Customhouse (Monterey, California)|Old Customhouse]]
| [[Bild:MontereyCalCustHouse.JPG|100px|Photograph of the Old Customhouse in Monterey, a two-story Spanish-colonial structure with broad verandahs, tile roofs, blue and green trim, and white stucco.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1960-12-19}}
| [[Monterey (Kalifornien)|Monterey]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=36.5961971882|EW=-121.892068798|text=dms|name=Old Customhouse|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Monterey County|Monterey]]
| This 1827 Adobe structure is the oldest public building in California and is where the American Flag was raised, declaring California part of the [[United States]].   It is now a museum located inside the [[Monterey State Historic Park]], itself a [[NHLD]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|82}}
! [[Old Mission Dam]]
| [[Bild:Old-mission-dam.JPG|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1963-5-21}}
| [[San Diego]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=32.8381927311|EW=-117.042314031|text=dms|name=Old Mission Dam|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| The first major irrigation project on the Pacific coast, this dam supplied water for milling and irrigation at the [[Mission San Diego de Alcalá]], 5 miles away.  Now part of [[Mission Trails Regional Park]]
! {{NRHP|NHLD|83}}
! [[Old Sacramento State Historic Park|Old Sacramento Historic District]]
| [[Bild:Old Town Sacramento.jpg|100px|Photograph of a street in the Old Sacramento Historic District.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1965-1-12}}
| [[Sacramento]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=38.582778|EW=-121.503333|text=dms|name=Old Sacramento Historic District|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Sacramento County|Sacramento]]
| Built up after the [[California Gold Rush]], this historic district also includes the [[National Historic Landmark|NHL]] locations of the [[Pony Express Terminal]] and the [[Big Four House]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|84}}
! [[Old Scripps Building]]
|align=center|[[:en:Image:SIOhistory.jpeg|Bild: Foto vom Old Scripps Building am Pacific.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1982-5-20}}
| [[La Jolla]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=32.864446|EW=-117.252395|text=dms|name=Old Scripps Building|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| Die erste Gebäude vom [[Scripps Institution of Oceanography]], am [[Pacific See]]. ...The first building of [[Scripps Institution of Oceanography]], which is the oldest [[oceanographic]] institute in the United States.  It formed the starting point of what has become the [[University of California, San Diego]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|85}}
! [[San Francisco Mint|Old United States Mint]]
| [[Bild:Old US Mint (San Francisco) 3.JPG|100px|Old U.S. Mint, 88 Fifth St., San Francisco. Photographed from east side of Fifth St.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1961-7-4}}
| [[San Francisco]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.782727|EW=-122.406479|text=dms|name=Old United States Mint|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Francisco County|San Francisco]]
| Built for the [[San Francisco Mint]] in 1874 to handle the overflow from the [[California Gold Rush]], this building is affectionately as '''The Granite Lady'''.  It is one of the few that survivors of  the great [[1906 San Francisco earthquake]] and served until 1937.
! {{NRHP|NHL|86}}
! [[USS Pampanito (SS-383)|USS ''Pampanito'' (U-Boot)]]
| [[Bild:Pampanito (submarine, San Francisco).JPG|100px|Photograph of the USS "Pampanito" at dock as a museum ship. The liberty ship SS "Jeremiah O’Brien" is moored in the background.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1986-1-14}}
| [[San Francisco]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.8086004153|EW=-122.415623276|text=dms|name=USS Pampanito (submarine)|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Francisco County|San Francisco]]
| A [[Balao class submarine]], she served in [[World War II]] before becoming a museum ship and part of the [[San Francisco Maritime National Park Association]].  She still has several working parts, including the periscopes and a torpedo tube.
! {{NRHP|NHL|87}}
! [[Paramount Theater (Oakland, California)|Paramount Theatre]]
|align=center|[[Bild:Paramount.jpg|85px|Photograph of a  tall sign and mosaic announcing the Paramount Theatre standing above the marquee and a busy street.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1977-5-5}}
| [[Oakland]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.809457|EW=-122.267984|text=dms|name=Paramount Theatre|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Alameda County|Alameda]]
| The largest theatre on the West Coast when it was built, it is notable for its [[Art Deco]] appearance.  It is the home of the [[Oakland East Bay Symphony]] and the [[Oakland Ballet]] and is managed by a nonprofit organization.
! {{NRHP|NHL|88}}
! [[Parsons Memorial Lodge]]
| <span style="color: #fcfcfc">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1987-5-28}}
| [[Yosemite National Park]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.8766108572|EW=-119.366616789|text=dms|name=Parsons Memorial Lodge|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Tuolumne County|Tuolumne]]
| This solidly built structure was the first stone structure in a [[National Park]].  It was built by the Sierra Club and is still standing today with only minor variations.  It reflects the Bay Area architecture influences of [[Bernard Maybeck]] as well as the practical weather concerns of the High Sierra valley.
! {{NRHP|NHL|89}}
! [[Rancho Petaluma Adobe|Petaluma Adobe]]
| [[Bild:Photo-CA-RanchoPetaluma.jpg|100px|Photograph of the Petaluma Adobe, a broad, low, two-story building with wide verandas amidst open grasslands.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1970-4-15}}
| [[Petaluma]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=38.25547|EW=-122.58451|text=dms|name=Petaluma Adobe|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Sonoma County|Sonoma]]
| The largest example of [[Monterey Colonial]] architecture in the United States, this [[adobe]] structure was the ranch house of General [[Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo]], commandant of the Sonoma Pueblo.  It is now the centerpiece of [[Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park]], which is threatened with closure.
! {{NRHP|NHL|90}}
! [[Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex|Pioneer Deep Space Station]]
| [[Bild:Goldstone_Deep_Space_Communication_Complex_-_GPN-2000-000506.jpg|100 px|NASA photo]]
| {{DatumZelle|1985-10-3}}
| [[Fort Irwin Military Reservation|Fort Irwin]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=35.3874891024|EW=-116.856198162|text=dms|name=Pioneer Deep Space Station|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Bernardino County|San Bernardino]]
| [[National Aeronautics and Space Administration|NASA]]'s [[Deep Space Network]] for tracking unmanned [[spacecraft]] in [[Outer space|deep space]] was inaugurated when this [[Radio telescope|antenna]] became operational in 1958.

NHLs 91-120

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! {{NRHP|NHL|91}}
! [[Point Reyes Lifeboat Station]]
| <span style="color:#FCFCFC">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1989-12-20}}
| [[Point Reyes]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.993889|EW=-122.973889|text=dms|name=Point Reyes Lifeboat Station|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Marin County|Marin]]
| Last remaining instance of a [[United States Life-Saving Service|USLS]] rail launched [[lifeboat]] station, commonly used on the Pacific coast.   This site rescued crews from ships that foundered on [[Point Reyes]].  It is now protected as part of the [[Point Reyes National Seashore]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|92}}
! [[Pony Express Terminal]]
| [[Datei:B. F. Hastings Bank Building, 128-132 J Street, Sacramento (Sacramento County, California).jpg|100px|1960 HABS photo]]
| {{DatumZelle|1961-07-04}}
| [[Sacramento]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=38.582898|EW=-121.504248|text=dms|name=Pony Express Terminal|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Sacramento County|Sacramento]]
| The Western end of the [[Pony Express]], this bank building has also served as the first home of the [[Supreme Court of California]].  It is now part of the [[Old Sacramento State Historic Park]], itself a [[National Historic Landmark District]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|93}}
! [[USS Potomac (AG-25)|''Potomac'' (Präsidenten-Yacht)]]
| [[Datei:Uss-potomac-at-oakland.jpg|100px|Photograph of the Presidential yacht USS Potomac at dock on a sunny, clear day.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1990-12-14}}
| [[Oakland]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.793512671|EW=-122.278992912|text=dms|name=Potomac (Presidential yacht)|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Alameda County|Alameda]]
| Formerly the '''USCGC ''Electra''''', this ship was [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]]’s presidential yacht from 1936 until his death in 1945 and only  one of three still existing presidential yachts.  On [[August 3]], [[1941]], she played a decoy role while Roosevelt snuck off to sign the [[Atlantic Charter]].  She is now a museum ship.
! {{NRHP|NHL|94}}
! [[Presidio (San Francisco)|Presidio of San Francisco]]
| [[Datei:Presidio sf parading ground.jpg|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1962-06-13}}
| [[San Francisco]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37/48/N|EW=122/28/W|name=Presidio of San Francisco|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small> <!-- Coords not from NRIS. -->
| [[San Francisco County|San Francisco]]
| Used as a fortified military base from 1776 to 1995 by Spain, Mexico, and the United States.  It is now part of the [[Golden Gate National Recreation Area]] and serves a mix of commercial and public uses.  It is required to be financially self supporting by 2013.
! {{NRHP|NHL|95}}
! [[Ralph J. Scott (Löschboot)|''Ralph J. Scott'' (Löschboot)]]
| [[Datei:Ralph J. Scott (fireboat).JPG|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1989-06-30}}
| [[San Pedro (Los Angeles)|San Pedro]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.741292|EW=-118.278953|text=dms|name=Ralph J. Scott (fireboat)|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
| A fireboat for the [[LAFD]] from 1925 until it's retirement in 2003, it could pump 17,000 [[Gallons per minute|US gal/min]] (1,070 L/s).  It is now located near the [[Los Angeles Maritime Museum]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|96}}
! [[Ralston Hall|William C. Ralston Home]]
| [[Datei:Ralston hall.JPG|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1966-11-13}}
| [[Belmont (Kalifornien)|Belmont]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.5175|EW=-122.286111|text=dms|name=William C. Ralston Home|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Mateo County|San Mateo]]
| Home of [[William Chapman Ralston]], a San Francisco businessman, founder of the [[Bank of California]], and financier of the [[Comstock Lode]].  Now part of [[Notre Dame de Namur University]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|97}}
! [[Rancho Camulos]]
| [[Datei:Rancho Camulos aerial view 1888.jpg|100px|Historic photograph of Ranco Camulos from an elevated angle. The ranch spreads out on the valley bottom on the banks of a river, with mountains rising behind.]]
| {{DatumZelle|2000-02-16}}
| [[Piru]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.40565|EW=-118.756667|text=dms|name=Rancho Camulos|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Ventura County|Ventura]]
|  The home of [[Ygnacio del Valle]], an [[alcalde]] of [[Los Angeles]] and member of the [[California State Assembly]]. The ranch was known as the '''Home of Ramona''' because it is likely that the popular 1884 novel [[Ramona]] by [[Helen Hunt Jackson]] was set there. The novel helped in raising awareness about the [[Californio]] lifestyle.  It is now a museum.
! {{NRHP|NHL|98}}
! [[Rangers' Club]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-05-28}}
| [[Yosemite National Park]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.7454635709|EW=-119.586783467|text=dms|name=Rangers' Club|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Mariposa County|Mariposa]]
| [[Stephen Tyng Mather]], the wealthy first director of the [[National Park Service]] personally donated this building to house the newly hired rangers covering [[Yosemite National Park]].  Its rustic  architecture inspired all [[National Park]] construction through WWII.
! {{NRHP|NHL|99}}
! [[Rogers Dry Lake]]
| [[Datei:Jfader dryden.jpg|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1985-10-03}}
| [[Edwards Air Force Base]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34/57/N|EW=117|5//W|name=Rogers Dry Lake|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small> <!-- Koordinate nicht aus dem NRIS -->
| [[Kern County|Kern]] and [[San Bernardino County|San Bernardino]]
| Centerpiece of [[Edwards Air Force Base]], this [[endorheic]] desert salt pan in the [[Mojave Desert]] has the worlds largest [[Compass Rose]] and the worlds largest runway at 7.2 miles.  It is one of the alternate [[Space Shuttle]] landing sites.
! {{NRHP|NHL|100}}
! [[Gilman Hall|Room 307, Gilman Hall, University of California]]
| {{DatumZelle|1965-12-21}}
| [[Berkeley (Kalifornien)|Berkeley]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.8707850755|EW=-122.255046283|text=dms|name=Room 307, Gilman Hall, University of California|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Alameda County|Alameda]]
| Room 307 in Gilman Hall at [[University of California, Berkeley|UCB]] is where [[Glenn T. Seaborg]] and his coworkers identified [[plutonium]] as a new element on [[February 23]], [[1941]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|101}}
! [[Rose Bowl Stadium|Rose Bowl]]
| [[Datei:2006 Rose Bowl post-game celebration.jpg|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-02-27}}
| [[Pasadena (Kalifornien)|Pasadena]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.1595343932|EW=-118.166774324|text=dms|name=Rose Bowl|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
|  Home field of the [[UCLA Bruins]] college football team as well as the annual [[Rose Bowl Game]]. It also hosted events from the 1932 and 1984 Olympics
! {{NRHP|NHL|102}}
! [[Cathedral of San Carlos Borromeo|Royal Presidio Chapel]]
|align=center|[[Datei:Monterey Cathedral.png|100px|San Carlos Presidio Chapel]]
| {{DatumZelle|1960-10-09}}
| [[Monterey (Kalifornien)|Monterey]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=36.595847|EW=-121.890299|text=dms|name=Royal Presidio Chapel|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Monterey County|Monterey]]
|  This Cathedral is the oldest continuously operating parish, the oldest stone building in California, the smallest Cathedral in the United States and one of the two oldest Cathedrals in the United States.   It is the only existing Presidio cathedral in California and the only original building in the Monterey Presidio.
! {{NRHP|NHL|103}}
! [[San Diego Mission Church]]
| [[Datei:San-diego-mission-chuch.JPG|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1970-04-15}}
| [[San Diego]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=32.7827680173|EW=-117.106253353|text=dms|name=San Diego Mission Church|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| This was the first [[Spanish Mission]] in [[Alta California]] and the start of [[El Camino Real (California)|El Camino Real]].  Originally located in the [[Presidio of San Diego]], it later moved a few miles away. The nearby [[Old Mission Dam]], also a [[National Historic Landmark|NHL]], provided water for milling and farming.
! {{NRHP|NHL|104}}
! [[San Diego Presidio]]
| [[Datei:Presidio of San Diego 1820 map.jpg|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1960-10-09}}
| [[San Diego]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=32.758611|EW=-117.193333|text=dms|name=San Diego Presidio|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| The first fortified [[presidio]], it along with the first [[mission]],  [[San Diego Mission Church]],  paved the way for [[Spain|Spanish]] colonization of California.  No structures remain, but the site is now located in [[Presidio Park]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|105}}
! [[San Francisco Bay Discovery Site]]
| <span style="color:#FCFCFC">image pending</span>
| {{DatumZelle|1968-05-23}}
| [[San Bruno]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.603056|EW=-122.454722|text=dms|name=San Francisco Bay Discovery Site|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Mateo County|San Mateo]]
| On [[November 4]], [[1769]] the expedition of Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portolà reached the summit of the 1,200-foot (370 m) high [[Sweeney Ridge]], where he sighted [[San Francisco Bay]].  It is now part of the [[Golden Gate National Recreation Area]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|106}}
! [[San Francisco Cable Cars]]
| [[Datei:SanFrancablecar.JPG|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1964-01-29}}
| [[San Francisco]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37.795556|EW=-122.4075|text=dms|name=San Francisco Cable Cars|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Francisco County|San Francisco]]
| The iconic image of [[San Francisco]], this is the only remaining permanently operational manually-operated [[cable car]] system in the world.
! {{NRHP|NHLD|107}}
! [[Civic Center (San Francisco)|San Francisco Civic Center]]
| [[Datei:SFOperaHouse.jpg|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-02-27}}
| [[San Francisco]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37|46|47/N|EW=122|25|4|W|name=San Francisco Civic Center|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>  <!-- Not from NRIS. -->
| [[San Francisco County|San Francisco]]
| The [[United Nations Charter]] was signed here in 1945 as well as the post WWII peace treaty with Japan.  This collection of [[Beaux Arts]] buildings serves a number of uses, including the [[Exposition Auditorium]] from the [[1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition]].
! {{NRHP|NHLD|108}}
! [[Fort Mason|San Francisco Port of Embarkation, U.S. Army]]
| [[Datei:FortMasonWharves.JPG|100px|Photograph of docks and red-roofed, stucco warehouses at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation, U.S. Army. The Golden Gate Bridge spans the background of the picture.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1985-02-04}}
| [[San Francisco]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=37|48|26/N|EW=122|25|50|W|name=San Francisco Port of Embarkation, U.S. Army|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small> <!-- Coords not from NRIS. -->
| [[San Francisco County|San Francisco]]
| Originally built during the [[American Civil War]] for coastal defense, this fort became the primary transportation hub in the Pacific for the United States during [[World War I]] and [[World War II]].   In [[World War II]] alone, over 1,647,174 passengers and 23,589,472 tons went through this fort.  It is now part of the [[Golden Gate National Recreation Area]]
! {{NRHP|NHLD|109}}
! [[San Juan Bautista Plaza|San Juan Bautista Plaza Historic District]]
| [[Datei:Mission San Juan Bautista, Second Street, San Juan Bautista Plaza, San Juan Bautista (San Benito County, California).jpg|100px|1934 HABS photo]]
| {{DatumZelle|1970-04-15}}
| [[San Juan Bautista (Kalifornien)|San Juan Bautista]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=36.8437377837|EW=-121.53455399|text=dms|name=San Juan Bautista Plaza Historic District|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Benito County|San Benito]]
| A prime example of the Spanish-Mexican Colonial plan of buildings surrounding the central plaza and [[Spanish missions in California|Mission]] church.  The [[National Historic Landmark District|NHLD]] also includes the [[Jose Castro House]], itself a [[National Historic Landmark]].  It was featured prominently in the [[Alfred Hitchcock|Hitchcock]] film [[Vertigo (film)|Vertigo]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|110}}
! [[San Luis Rey Mission Church]]
| [[Datei:Mission San Luis Rey de Francia current.jpg|100px|As of 2005]]
| {{DatumZelle|1970-04-15}}
| [[Oceanside (Kalifornien)|Oceanside]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=33.3675|EW=-117.218333|text=dms|name=San Luis Rey Mission Church District|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| California's most pristine [[Spanish missions in California|Spanish Mission Complex]], this is the third church at this site.
! {{NRHP|NHL|111}}
! [[Santa Barbara County Courthouse]]
| [[Datei:SB Courthouse1.jpg|100px|Photograph of the gardens and Spanish colonial façade of the Santa Barbara County Courthouse]]
| {{DatumZelle|2005-04-05}}
| [[Santa Barbara (Kalifornien)|Santa Barbara]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.425|EW=-119.69|text=dms|name=Santa Barbara County Courthouse|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Santa Barbara County|Santa Barbara]]
| Known for the the beauty of its  [[Spanish Colonial Architecture|Spanish-Colonial Revival]] architecture, which inspired and influenced many other designers.
! {{NRHP|NHL|112}}
! [[Mission Santa Barbara|Santa Barbara Mission]]
|align=center|[[Datei:Mission Santa Barbara01.jpg|100px|Missionsstation Santa Barbara]]
| {{DatumZelle|1960-02-04}}
| [[Santa Barbara (Kalifornien)|Santa Barbara]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.437362|EW=-119.712634|text=dms|name=Santa Barbara Mission|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Santa Barbara County|Santa Barbara]]
| The only [[Spanish mission in California]] to remain under the leadership of the [[Franciscan Friar]]s since the day of its founding.
! {{NRHP|NHL|113}}
! [[Santa Cruz Looff Carousel and Roller Coaster]]
| [[Datei:SantaCruz BeachBoardwalk GiantDipperTrack2 DSCN9390.JPG|100px|Evening photograph of the white, wooden Santa Cruz Roller Coaster, amusement park structures, and a background of eucalyptus and palm trees.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-02-27}}
| [[Santa Cruz (Kalifornien)|Santa Cruz]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=36|57|52/N|EW=122|1|0|W|name=Santa Cruz Looff Carousel and Roller Coaster|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small> <!-- Coords not from NRIS. -->
| [[Santa Cruz County (Kalifornien)|Santa Cruz]]
| The [[Charles I. D. Looff|Looff]] family was one of the major early [[Manufacturing|manufacturers]] of [[carousel]]s, including this 1911 example. Only five other intact Looff carousels remain in the [[United States]]. The 1924 [[Giant Dipper (roller coaster)|Giant Dipper roller coaster]] is the older of the two large, [[Scaffolding|wooden scaffolded]] roller coasters remaining on the [[West Coast of the United States|West Coast]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|114}}
! [[Looff Hippodrome|Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome]]
| [[Datei:Santa Monica pier edit1.jpg|100px|Exterior photograph of the Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome, a pink building with blue trim and large, arched glass doors and windows.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-02-27}}
| [[Santa Monica]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.010184|EW=-118.496368|text=dms|name=Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
| Built by the [[Charles I. D. Looff|Looff]] family to house one of their carousels, this structure now houses a different carousel, but remains a rare example of what was once a much larger Amusement complex.
! {{NRHP|NHL|115}}
! [[Upton Sinclair House]]
| [[Datei:UptonSinclairHouse-186-sm.jpg|100px]]
| {{DatumZelle|1971-11-11}}
| [[Monrovia]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.161969|EW=-118.001210|text=dms|name=Upton Sinclair House|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
| Home of American novelist [[Upton Sinclair]] between 1942 and 1966 and where he wrote most of his later works.
! {{NRHP|NHLD|116}}
! [[Sonoma Plaza]]
| [[Datei:Sonoma City Hall.jpg|100px|City Hall of Sonoma, which stands at the center of Sonoma Plaza.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1960-12-19}}
| [[Sonoma]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=38.2844470556|EW=-122.457393148|text=dms|name=Sonoma Plaza|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Sonoma County|Sonoma]]
| The largest plaza in California, this was the location of the [[Bear Flag Revolt]] in 1846 which led to the [[Mexican-American War]]
! {{NRHP|NHL|117}}
! [[Space Flight Operations Facility]]
| [[Datei:JPLControlRoom.jpg|100px|Interior photograph of the control room at the Space Flight Operations Facility, with tables of monitors and workstations arrayed facing several large wall-mounted monitors.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1985-10-03}}
| [[Pasadena (Kalifornien)|Pasadena]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.1993285017|EW=-118.173617161|text=dms|name=Space Flight Operations Facility|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Los Angeles County|Los Angeles]]
| Control room at [[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] where all NASA interplanetary and deep space missions are monitored.
! {{NRHP|NHL|118}}
! [[Vandenberg AFB Space Launch Complex 10|Space Launch Complex 10]]
| [[Datei:Thorad Agena with SERT-2.jpg|100px|Photograph of the Thor-Agena vehicle on the launch pad at Space Launch Complex 10, surrounded by scrub vegetation and various support buildings, the Pacific Ocean in the distant background.]]
| {{DatumZelle|1986-06-23}}
| [[Vandenberg Air Force Base]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=34.765278|EW=-120.622222|text=dms|name=Space Launch Complex 10|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Santa Barbara County|Santa Barbara]]
| First built in 1958 to test missiles, it was used to launch space missions from 1963 to 1980.  It is now a rare, well preserved example of the equipment and facilities from that era.
! {{NRHP|NHL|119}}
! [[Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park|Leland Stanford House]]
|align=center|[[Datei:Lelandstanfordmansion.jpg|100px|Leland Stanford House]]
| {{DatumZelle|1987-05-28}}
| [[Sacramento]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=38.576528|EW=-121.497914|text=dms|name=Leland Stanford House|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[Sacramento County|Sacramento]]
| The home of [[Leland Stanford]], [[Governor of California]] from 1862 to 1863, [[U.S. Senator]] from 1885 to 1893, railroad [[tycoon]], member of [[the Big Four]] and founder of [[Stanford University]].
! {{NRHP|NHL|120}}
! [[Star of India (Schiff)|''Star of India'']]
| [[Datei:Starofindia.jpg|100px|Photograph of the Star of India at dock as a museum ship in San Diego]]
| {{DatumZelle|1966-11-13}}
| [[San Diego]]<br /><small>{{Coordinate|NS=32.7142265105|EW=-117.172862915|text=dms|name=Star of India (bark)|type=landmark|region=US-CA}}</small>
| [[San Diego County|San Diego]]
| A seaworthy iron hulled [[museum ship]] in the [[San Diego Maritime Museum]], she is the oldest ship that still sails regularly and the oldest iron hulled merchant ship still floating.

NHLs 121-136

121 Steedman Estate 16. Jan. 2009 Montecito
34° 26′ 7″ N, 119° 38′ 8″ W
Santa Barbara [3]
122 Sutter's Fort Bild: Foto vom Sutters-Fort (englisch) 20. Jan. 1961 Sacramento
38° 34′ 13,6″ N, 121° 28′ 12,3″ W
Sacramento A 19th century agricultural and trade colony, it was known for its connection to the Donner Party, the California Gold Rush and the formation of Sacramento as well as it's proximity to the California Trail and Siskiyou Trails. Now a state park, threatened with closure in 2008.
123 Sweden-
borgian Church
  18. Aug. 2004 San Francisco
37° 47′ 24,8″ N, 122° 26′ 45,2″ W
San Francisco One of California's earliest pure Arts and Crafts buildings, this Swedenborgianism church remains open today with almost no architectural changes.
124 Tao House   17. Juli 1971 Danville
37° 49′ 33,5″ N, 122° 1′ 39,2″ W
Contra Costa America's only Nobel Prize-winning playwright Eugene O'Neill lived here from 1937 to 1944 while writing his final and most memorable plays: The Iceman Cometh, Long Day's Journey Into Night, and A Moon for the Misbegotten.
125 Gunther Island Site 67 19. Juli 1964 Eureka
40° 48′ 36″ N, 124° 10′ 19″ W
Humboldt An archaeological site surrounding a Wiyot shell midden, located in Tolowot, on Indian Island in Humboldt Bay near Eureka, California. This site helped define the Gunther Pattern in archaeology and was also the site of the 1860 Wiyot Massacre.
126 Tule Lake Segregation Center   17. Feb. 2006 Newell Modoc The largest Japanese American internment camp, it also had the highest security and stayed open longest, even after World War II. The Redress movement in the 1980s and pilgrimages to Tule Lake led to the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.
127 Twenty-Five-Foot Space Simulator 3. Okt. 1985 Pasadena
34° 12′ 3,5″ N, 118° 10′ 22,4″ W
Los Angeles An 85 foot high stainless-steel cylinder at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory used for testing spacecraft in space-like conditions. Ranger, Surveyor, Mariner, and Voyager spacecraft were all tested in this facility.
128 Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel   3. Okt. 1985 Moffett Field
37° 24′ 56,4″ N, 122° 3′ 35,2″ W
Santa Clara Dieser Windkanal, der in den 1950er Jahren gebaut wurde, ermöglichte aerodynamische Tests für kommerzielle und militärische Flugzeuge sowie das Space Shuttle.
129 United States Immigration Station (Angel Island)   9. Dez. 1997 Tiburon
37° 51′ 44″ N, 122° 25′ 13″ W
Marin The "Ellis Island of the West" processed over 1 million Asian immigrants between 1910 and 1940. Now part of Angel Island State Park, it is undergoing renovation until 2009.
130 Walker Pass 4. Juli 1961 Onyx
35° 39′ 47″ N, 118° 1′ 37″ W
Kern Joseph Reddeford Walker mapped this pass in 1834 after learning of it from Native Americans. He then led the first immigrant wagon train through it in 1846. This pass significantly contributed to the development of California.
131 Wapama (Dampfschoner)   20. Apr. 1984 San Francisco
37° 48′ 28,5″ N, 122° 25′ 15,9″ W
San Francisco This 204' wooden schooner was one of 200 ships plying the lumber trade along the Pacific coast. Now managed by the San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park, she has been moved to Richmond for possible renovation. She is threatened by severe dry rot.
132 Warner's Ranch 20. Jan. 1961 Warner Springs
33° 14′ 19″ N, 116° 39′ 3″ W
San Diego The only trading post between New Mexico and Los Angeles, this ranch developed into a stop on the Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach line along with nearby Oak Grove. Now a hot springs resort.
133 Watts Towers   14. Dez. 1990 Los Angeles
33° 56′ 13,1″ N, 118° 14′ 26″ W
Los Angeles These towers built by Simon Rodia are a superb example of non-traditional vernacular architecture and American Naïve art.
134 Wawona Hotel and Thomas Hill Studio   28. Feb. 1987 Yosemite National Park
37° 32′ 11″ N, 119° 39′ 13″ W
Mariposa Built in 1879 for tourists visiting the Mariposa Grove, this hotel is also where the Hudson River School painter Thomas Hill painted towards the end of his life.
135 Well No. 4, Pico Canyon Oil Field   13. Nov. 1966 San Fernando
34° 22′ 10″ N, 118° 37′ 49″ W
Los Angeles Dieses Bohrloch, das 1876 bis in eine Tiefe von 115 m gebohrt wurde, war die erste kommerziell rentable Ölquelle im Kalifornien. Sie produzierte 25 Barrel (rund 4 m³) Rohöl täglich.
136 Yuma Crossing and Associated Sites   13. Nov. 1966 Winterhaven
32° 43′ 45″ N, 114° 36′ 55″ W
Imperial A major crossroads for Alta California as well as the Westward expansion of the United States. It has several archaeological and historical sites, shared with Arizona across the Colorado River, including Fort Yuma and other state parks.

Andere historische Gebiete unter Aufsicht des NPS in Kalifornien


National Historic Sites, National Historical Parks, some National Monuments, and certain other areas listed in the National Park system are historic landmarks of national importance that are highly protected already, often before the inauguration of the NHL program in 1960, and are then often not also named NHLs per se. Es gibt sieben solcher Stätten in Kalifornien. Der National Park Service führt sie gemeinsam mit den National Historic Landmarks dieses Bundesstaates auf einer Liste.[4]

Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site ist in der obigen Liste unter dem Namen Tao House als NHL eingetragen, John Muir National Historic Site steht dort als John Muir House und die Manzanar National Historic Site als Manzanar War Relocation Center. Die vier weiteren Stätten sind:

Name der Stätte
Bild Jahr[5] Ort County Beschreibung
1 Cabrillo National Monument   14. Okt. 1913 San Diego San Diego
2 Fort Point National Historic Site   16. Okt. 1970 San Francisco San Francisco
3 Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park   25. Okt. 2000 Richmond Contra Costa
4 San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park  
San Francisco San Francisco

Ehemalige NHLs und mögliche zukünftige NHLs


Darüber hinaus gibt es in Kalifornien fünf ähnliche Stätten, die derzeit nicht National Historic Landmarks sind. Drei davon sind ehemalige Stätten, deren Listung inzwischen aufgehoben wurde. Zwei Schiffe wurden in andere Staaten verlegt und eine Stätte wurde als geeignet bezeichnet, die Bezeichnung wurde aber noch nicht vollzogen.

Name def Stätte
a First Pacific Coast Salmon Cannery Site 1964,
2004 aufgehoben
38° 34′ 51″ N, 121° 30′ 26,2″ W
b Fort Ross Chapel [6]   1969,
1971 aufgehoben[6]
Fort Ross Sonoma
c City of Oakland (USS Hoga) (Schlepper)   1989 Oakland und Benicia
nach Arkansas verlegt
d Rock Magnetics Laboratory [6] 1994,
1999 aufgehoben [6]
Menlo Park San Mateo
e Saddle Rock Ranch Pictograph Site [7] 1990
als geeignet befunden[7]
Malibu Los Angeles

Siehe auch

Commons: National Historic Landmarks in Kalifornien – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  1. a b c d e f g h National Park Service: National Historic Landmarks Survey: List of National Historic Landmarks by State. (PDF) April 2007, abgerufen am 27. März 2009.. Zu beachten ist, dass obwohl an dieser Stelle von 136 National Historic Landmarks in Kalifornien die Rede ist (S. 9), sind tatsächlich 138 aufgelistet. Zwei davon wurden aus Kalifornien verschoben, eines verlor seinen Status und eines wird einem anderen Bundesstaat zugeschrieben. Dafür fehlt die USCGC Fir, die nie nach New York verschoben wurde, wie ursprünglich geplant. Daher werden in diesem Artikel tatsächlich 135 Stätten gelistet.
  2. a b c d National Park Service: National Historic Landmark Program: NHL Database. Abgerufen am 27. März 2009.
  3. Interior Secretary Kempthorne Designates 9 National Historic Landmarks in 9 States. Department of the Interior, 16. Januar 2009;.
  4. Die Liste ist auf Seite 111 von National Historic Landmarks Survey: List of National Historic Landmarks by State, Ausgabe vom November 2007, wiedergegeben.
  5. Date of listing as National Historic Site or similar designation, from various sources in articles indexed.
  6. a b c d National Park Service: National Historic Landmark Program: Withdrawal of National Historic Landmark Designation.
  7. a b National Park Service: National Historic Landmark Program: Properties Determined Eligible for Designation as National Historic Landmarks.