Stichwortsammlung Schönheit

  • ein Begriff der Ästhetik
  • ist von subjektiven Vorstellungen und gesellschaftlichen Konventionen geprägt
  • eine positive Bewertung
  • die Vorstellung von Schönheit unterliegt einer immer wieder wechselnden Mode = wechselnde Schönheitsideale
  • Biologismus: als schön und erstrebenswert gilt, was einen biologischen Vorteil, z.B. bei der natürlichen Auslese, verspricht
  • als schon empfunden wird z.B.
    • Symmetrie
  • bei Frauen ein Taille-zu-Hüfteverhältnis (Waist-to-Hip-Ratio) von ungefähr 75%
  • Schönheit nehmen wir wahr über unsere Sinne ( = eine angenehme Sinneswahrnehmun)
    • Augen, z.B. ein schönes Bild, ein schöner Körper, eine schöne Landschaft
    • Ohren, z. B. schöne Musik, ein harmonischer Klang
  • is a characteristic that provides an experience of pleasure or satisfaction of
    • persons (= Physical attractiveness) whose facial features are symmetric and proportioned according to the golden ratio are considered more attractive
    • places
    • objects proportioned according to the golden ratio seem beautiful
    • ideas
  • is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology and culture.
  • symmetry is also important because it suggests the absence of genetic or acquired defects
  • beautiful people have significant advantages in human society (look at the amount of attention and money that flows to the most beautiful actresses and models)
  • Physical attractiveness can have a significant effect on how people are judged, in terms of employment or social opportunities, friendship, sexual behavior, marriage
  • in many cases humans attribuate positive characteristics to attractive people
  • there are many things influencing our vision on beauty
  • Judgment of attractiveness of physical traits is
    • partly universal to all human cultures
    • partly dependent on culture or society or time period
    • partly a matter of individual subjective preference
  • striving for beauty is
    • neither a cultural construction
    • nor a backlash against feminism
    • basicly our biology
    • an essential and ineradicable part of human nature
  • nearly everywhere you can see
    • stylized, photoshopped illusions of perfect beauty
    • unrealistic standards of youth and beauty
  • there are rather objective parameters about physical beauty.. limited in time and place of course
  • a feature of beautiful women is a waist-to-hip ratio of approximately 0.70
  • beauty or physical attractiveness is important men and women
  • Human beauty is often based on some combination of
    • inner beauty - which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, charm, elegance
      • is difficult to quantify
    • outer beauty - which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness, symmetry, averageness, complexion
      • a common way to measure outer beauty, as based on community consensus, or general opinion, is to stage a beauty pageant ( Miss Universe)