Ministers of State of the 30th Government (6 May 2016 – 14 June 2017)

Name Responsibility Department(s) Party Term
Regina Doherty Government Chief Whip Taoiseach style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Paul Kehoe Defence Taoiseach
style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Finian McGrath Disability Issues Health
Justice and Equality
Social Protection
style="background-color: Vorlage:Independent politician/meta/color" | Independent 2016–17
Seán Kyne Gaeltacht Affairs and Natural Resources Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
Communications, Climate Action and Environment
style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Damien English Housing and Urban Renewal Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Dara Murphy European Affairs, Data Protection
and the EU Single Digital Market
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Justice and Equality
style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Eoghan Murphy Financial Services, eGovernment
and Public Procurement
Public Expenditure and Reform
style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Patrick O'Donovan Tourism and Sport Transport, Tourism and Sport style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Andrew Doyle Food, Forestry and Horticulture Agriculture, Food and the Marine style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Pat Breen Employment and Small Business Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
John Halligan Training and Skills Education and Skills
Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
style="background-color: Vorlage:Independent politician/meta/color" | Independent 2016–17
Helen McEntee Mental Health and Older People Health style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Marcella Corcoran Kennedy Health Promotion Health style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
David Stanton Equality, Immigration, and Integration Justice and Equality style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Seán Canney Office of Public Works and Flood Relief Public Expenditure and Reform style="background-color: Vorlage:Independent politician/meta/color" | Independent 2016–17
Joe McHugh Diaspora and Overseas Development Aid Taoiseach
Foreign Affairs and Trade
style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Michael Ring Regional Economic Development Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17
Catherine Byrne Communities and the National Drugs Strategy Health
Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government
style="background-color: Vorlage:Fine Gael/meta/color" | Fine Gael 2016–17

3 June 2017


Changes in accordance with shared ministry deal between Kevin "Boxer" Moran and Seán Canney[1]

Kevin "Boxer" Moran Office of Public Works
and Flood Relief
Public Expenditure and Reform style="background-color: Vorlage:Independent politician/meta/color" | Independent 2017

Bundesregierung Kurz – seit 18. Dezember 2017
Amt Foto Name Partei
Sebastian Kurz ÖVP
Vizekanzler sowie öffentlicher Dienst und Sport
Heinz-Christian Strache FPÖ
Europa, Integration und Äußeres
Karin Kneissl parteilos (von der FPÖ nominiert)
Herbert Kickl FPÖ
Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz
Josef Moser parteilos (von der ÖVP nominiert)
Hartwig Löger ÖVP
Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz
Beate Hartinger-Klein FPÖ
Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus
Elisabeth Köstinger ÖVP
Mario Kunasek FPÖ
Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Norbert Hofer FPÖ
Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
Heinz Faßmann parteilos (von der ÖVP nominiert)
Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort
Margarete Schramböck ÖVP[2][3]
Kanzleramtsministerin für Frauen, Familien und Jugend
Juliane Bogner-Strauß ÖVP
Kanzleramtsminister für EU, Kunst, Kultur und Medien
Gernot Blümel ÖVP
  1. Moran takes up ministerial role in coin-flip deal. 3. Juni 2017;.
  2. Schramböck als Ministerin angelobt. Artikel vom 18. Dezember 2017, abgerufen am 31. März 2018.
  3. profil: Ministerinnen mittlerweile ÖVP-Mitglieder. Artikel vom 29. März 2018, abgerufen am 31. März 2018.